Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This is my first stop-motion video. Hope you like it! :) (Tell me what you think in the comments)


  1. Oh my God, Morgan, this is so cool. I love this. I think that it's really awesome when people use videos to make it look like words are writing them self :)
    Once again, I am jealous.
    You need to tell me when you make another video like this so you can invite me over and i can help!
    (i also love that you can combine your love of music with your art masterpieces!)

  2. These are random second thoughts here:
    How much paper did you use in that notebook?

    I would be some impatient with writing a word/letter than videoing it, then writing enough, videoing it, another... how did you stand it/ how long did this take?

  3. It took three days; but it wan't that bad. Yes i will definitely invite you over next time I want to make one!

  4. You should do one of these videos for a song called Lovers in Japan by: Coldplay!

    1. I love Lovers in Japan!

      And Morgan this is really cool!
